Installation instructions

To install Numbat, follow these simple instructions.

Install MOOSE

Numbat is based on the MOOSE framework, so the first step is to install MOOSE. For detailed installation instructions depending on your hardware, see

Clone Numbat

The next step is to clone the Numbat repository to your local machine.

In the following, it is assumed that MOOSE was installed to the directory ~/projects. If MOOSE was installed to a different directory, the following instructions must be modified accordingly.

To clone Numbat, use the following commands

cd ~/projects
git clone
cd numbat
git checkout master

Compile Numbat

Next, compile Numbat using

make -jn

where n is the number of processing cores on the computer. If everything has gone well, Numbat should compile without error, producing a binary named numbat-opt.

Test Numbat

Finally, to test that the installation worked, the test suite can be run using

./run_tests -jn

where n is the number of processing cores on the computer. At this stage, all of the Numbat tests should have run successfully, and you are ready to run more complicated simulations, see the 2D examples and 3D examples for more details.

Keep up to date

New features and changes to Numbat may be implemented from time to time. To ensure that Numbat continues to work without issue, you should make sure that you update your installation periodically. This can be done using

git fetch origin
git rebase origin/master
make -jn
./run_tests -jn