Input file syntax
The input file for a Numbat simulation is a simple, block-structured text file based on the input files for a plain MOOSE input file.
Essential input
Details of the minimum input file requirements are given below.
All simulations must feature a mesh. For the basic model with a rectangular mesh, the built-in NumbatBiasedMesh can be used to create a suitable mesh. This is a type of GeneratedMesh that provides the option to refine the mesh near one boundary. The size of the initial element can be specified, after which the elements are progressively coarser, see NumbatBiasedMesh for details. This can be extremely useful in simulations of density-driven convection, where it is necessary to have a finer mesh in the vicinity of the boundary where the fingers form in order to capture the process adequately. Away from this region, the fingers grow and merge, so that a coarser mesh is sufficient to simulate them. Having a biased mesh such as that produced by NumbatBiasedMesh can minimise the number of elements necessary, reducing the overall computational demands.
In 2D, the input block looks like:
type = NumbatBiasedMesh
dim = 2
ymax = 1.5
nx = 100
ny = 50
refined_edge = top
refined_resolution = 0.001
(examples/inputfiles/2D.i)In 3D, the Mesh block would look like:
type = NumbatBiasedMesh
dim = 3
zmax = 1.5
nx = 20
ny = 20
nz = 500
refined_edge = front
refined_resolution = 0.001
(examples/inputfiles/3D.i)In contrast to the normal GeneratedMesh provided by MOOSE, NumbatBiasedMesh renames the boundaries of the three dimensional mesh so that the boundaries top
and bottom
are at the extrema of the z
The number and type of variables required depends on the chosen formulation. For the dimensional formulation, two nonlinear variables must be provided, representing the fluid pressure and solute concentration.
initial_condition = 0
scaling = 1e6
initial_condition = 1e6
(examples/inputfiles/2D.i)For the dimensionless streamfunction formulation, the nonlinear variables for a 2D simulations are solute concentration and streamfunction:
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 0.0
(examples/inputfiles/2DSF.i)In 3D, an additional streamfunction variable must also be added:
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
type = NumbatPerturbationIC
variable = concentration
amplitude = 0.1
seed = 1
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 0.0
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 0.0
For the dimensional formulation, several material and fluid properties are required: porosity, permeability, fluid density and viscosity, and diffusivity. These can be added using the following Numbat materials:
type = NumbatPorosity
porosity = 0.3
noise = noise
type = NumbatPermeability
permeability = '1e-11 0 0 0 1e-11 0 0 0 1e-11'
type = NumbatDiffusivity
diffusivity = 2e-9
type = NumbatDensity
concentration = concentration
zero_density = 995
delta_density = 10.5
saturated_concentration = 0.049306
type = NumbatViscosity
viscosity = 6e-4
(examples/inputfiles/2D.i)No material properties are required in the dimensionless streamfunction formulation
Four kernels are required for a dimensional model: NumbatTimeDerivative, NumbatDiffusion, NumbatConvection, and NumbatDarcy.
type = NumbatTimeDerivative
variable = concentration
type = NumbatDiffusion
variable = concentration
type = NumbatConvection
variable = concentration
pressure = pressure
type = NumbatDarcy
variable = pressure
concentration = concentration
(examples/inputfiles/2D.i)For the dimensionless streamfunction formulation, four kernels are required for a 2D model: a NumbatDarcySF kernel, a NumbatDiffusionSF kernel, a NumbatConvectionSF kernel, and a TimeDerivative kernel.
type = NumbatDarcySF
variable = streamfunction
concentration = concentration
type = NumbatConvectionSF
variable = concentration
streamfunction = streamfunction
type = NumbatDiffusionSF
variable = concentration
type = TimeDerivative
variable = concentration
(examples/inputfiles/2DSF.i)For 3D models, an additional NumbatDarcySF kernel is required for the additional streamfunction variable. An example of the kernels block for a 3D isotropic model is
type = NumbatDarcySF
variable = streamfunctionx
concentration = concentration
component = x
type = NumbatDarcySF
variable = streamfunctiony
concentration = concentration
component = y
type = NumbatConvectionSF
variable = concentration
streamfunction = 'streamfunctionx streamfunctiony'
type = NumbatDiffusionSF
variable = concentration
type = TimeDerivative
variable = concentration
(examples/inputfiles/3DSF.i)In the 3D case, it is important to note that the NumbatDarcySF kernel must specify the component that it applies to, and that the streamfunction
keyword in the NumbatConvectionSF kernel must contain both streamfunction variables ordered by the x
component then the y
For the streamfunction formulation, a TimeDerivative kernel is used, rather than a NumbatTimeDerivative kernel, as porosity has been scaled out of the problem.
Boundary conditions
Appropriate boundary conditions must be prescribed. Typically, these will be constant concentration at the top of the model domain, periodic boundary conditions on the lateral sides (to mimic an infinite model), and no-flow boundary conditions at the top and bottom surfaces.
In the 2D dimensional formulation, this can be achieved using the following input block:
type = PresetBC
variable = concentration
boundary = top
value = 0.049306
variable = concentration
auto_direction = x
(examples/inputfiles/2D.i)while in 3D
type = PresetBC
variable = concentration
boundary = front
value = 0.049306
variable = concentration
auto_direction = 'x y'
(examples/inputfiles/3D.i)In this case, the conctop
boundary condition fixes the value of concentration at the top boundary, while the Periodic
boundary condition enforces periodicity of concentration along the boundaries in the directions specified in the auto_direction
It is useful to note that a MOOSE GeneratedMesh provides descriptive names for the sides of the model (top, bottom, left, right) which can be referenced in the input file.
For the dimensionless streamfunction formulation, no-flow boundary conditions are prescribed on the top and bottom surfaces by holding the streamfunction
variable constant (in this case 0).
type = DirichletBC
variable = concentration
boundary = top
value = 1.0
type = DirichletBC
variable = streamfunction
boundary = top
value = 0.0
type = DirichletBC
variable = streamfunction
boundary = bottom
value = 0.0
variable = 'concentration streamfunction'
auto_direction = x
Each MOOSE simulation must use an Executioner
, which provides parameters for the solve.
type = Transient
l_max_its = 200
end_time = 3e5
solve_type = NEWTON
petsc_options = -ksp_snes_ew
petsc_options_iname = '-pc_type -sub_pc_type -ksp_atol'
petsc_options_value = 'bjacobi ilu 1e-12'
nl_abs_tol = 1e-10
nl_max_its = 25
dtmax = 2e3
type = IterationAdaptiveDT
dt = 1
(examples/inputfiles/2D.i)Executioners are a standard MOOSE feature that are well documented on the MOOSE, so no further detail is provided here.
A default preconditioning block is used that provides all Jacobian entries to aid convergence.
type = SMP
full = true
(examples/inputfiles/2D.i)This is a standard MOOSE feature that is documented on the MOOSE website, so no further detail is provided here.
To provide ouptut from the simulation, an Outputs
block must be specified. An example is
perf_graph = true
type = Exodus
file_base = 2Dddc
type = CSV
file_base = 2Dddc
(examples/inputfiles/2D.i)There are a large number of output options available in MOOSE, see the MOOSE website for further details.
Action system
To avoid having to enter several of these input file blocks each time, and ensuring that the correct parameters are provided to each object in the correct order, Numbat provides some powerful actions that automatically add most of the required objects.
The NumbatAction adds all of the nonlinear variables, kernels, aux variables, aux kernels and postprocessors typically required in a dimensional Numbat simulation.
This action is called in the input file simply as
(tests/2D/2D_action.i)The use of this action is exactly equivalent to the following input file syntax
initial_condition = 0
initial_condition = 1e6
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
type = NumbatTimeDerivative
variable = concentration
type = NumbatDiffusion
variable = concentration
type = NumbatConvection
variable = concentration
pressure = pressure
type = NumbatDarcy
variable = pressure
concentration = concentration
type = NumbatDarcyVelocity
pressure = pressure
variable = u
component = x
type = NumbatDarcyVelocity
pressure = pressure
variable = v
component = y
type = DirichletBC
variable = concentration
boundary = top
value = 1.0
variable = 'concentration pressure'
auto_direction = x
type = NumbatSideFlux
variable = concentration
boundary = top
type = NumbatTotalMass
variable = concentration
(tests/2D/2D.i)A specific value for the saturated boundary concentration can optionally be provided
boundary_concentration = 0.05
(tests/2D/2D_c0_action.i)Similarly, the NumbatSFAction adds all of the nonlinear variables, kernels, aux variables, aux kernels and postprocessors typically required in a dimensionless Numbat simulation.
This action is called in the input file simply as
(tests/2D/2DSF_action.i)The use of this action is exactly equivalent to the following input file syntax for a 2D simulation.
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 0.0
order = FIRST
family = LAGRANGE
initial_condition = 0.0
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
type = NumbatDarcySF
variable = streamfunction
concentration = concentration
type = NumbatConvectionSF
variable = concentration
streamfunction = streamfunction
type = NumbatDiffusionSF
variable = concentration
type = TimeDerivative
variable = concentration
type = NumbatDarcyVelocitySF
variable = u
component = x
streamfunction = streamfunction
type = NumbatDarcyVelocitySF
variable = v
component = y
streamfunction = streamfunction
type = DirichletBC
variable = concentration
boundary = top
value = 1.0
type = DirichletBC
variable = streamfunction
boundary = top
value = 0.0
type = DirichletBC
variable = streamfunction
boundary = bottom
value = 0.0
variable = 'concentration streamfunction'
auto_direction = x
type = NumbatSideFluxSF
variable = concentration
boundary = top
type = NumbatTotalMassSF
variable = concentration
(tests/2D/2DSF.i)The use of these actions is recommended for all users, as they reduce the possibility of input file errors.
Optional input
While the above required blocks will enable a Numbat simulation to run, there are a number of optional input blocks that will improve the simulations are increase the amount of results provided.
Mesh adaptivity
MOOSE features built-in mesh adaptivity that is extremely useful in Numbat simulations to reduce computational expense. This can be included using:
max_h_level = 1
initial_marker = boxmarker
initial_steps = 1
marker = errormarker
type = GradientJumpIndicator
variable = concentration
type = ErrorToleranceMarker
refine = 0.05
indicator = gradjumpindicator
type = BoxMarker
bottom_left = '0 0 -10'
top_right = '500 500 0'
inside = refine
outside = dont_mark
(examples/inputfiles/3DSF.i)For details about mesh adaptivity, see the MOOSE website.
Initial condition
To seed the instability, a random perturbation to the initial concentration can be prescribed using the NumbatPerturbationIC initial condition.
type = NumbatPerturbationIC
variable = concentration
amplitude = 0.1
seed = 1
(examples/inputfiles/2DSF.i)The NumbatPerturbationIC initial condition applies the diffusive concentration profile to the nodes for (scaled) time , (1) for , where is the error function.
A uniform random perturbation is then added to the diffusive concentration profile, where the amplitude of the perturbation is specified by the input file value amplitude
The flux over the top boundary or the total mass of solute in the model is of particular interest in many cases (especially convective mixing of CO). These can be calculated at each time step using the NumbatSideFlux and NumbatTotalMass Postprocessors.
type = NumbatSideFlux
variable = concentration
boundary = top
type = NumbatTotalMass
variable = concentration
(examples/inputfiles/2D.i)Versions of these Postprocessors for the dimensionless streamfunction formulation are also provided, see NumbatSideFluxSF and NumbatTotalMassSF for details.
Numbat also provides a simple Postprocessor to calculate the Rayleigh number for dimensional simulations, see NumbatRayleighNumber for details.
The velocity components in the and directions (in 2D), and , , and directions in 3D can be calculated using the auxiliary system. These velocity components are calculated using the streamfunction(s), see the governing equations for details.
In the 2D case, two auxiliary variables, and , can be defined for the horizontal and vertical velocity components, respectively.
Importantly, these auxiliary variables must have monomial shape functions (these are referred to as elemental variables, as the value is constant over each mesh element). This restriction is due to fact that the gradient of variables is undefined for nodal auxiliary variables (for example, those using linear Lagrange shape functions).
An example of the input syntax for the 2D case is
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
(examples/inputfiles/2DSF.i)For the 3D case, there is an additional horizontal velocity component (v
), so the input syntax is
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
order = CONSTANT
family = MONOMIAL
(examples/inputfiles/3DSF.i)The velocity components are calculated by NumbatDarcyVelocity AuxKernels (or NumbatDarcyVelocitySF AuxKernels for the dimensionless streamfunction formulation). Each velocity component is computed by an AuxKernel.
For the 2D case, two AuxKernels are required:
type = NumbatDarcyVelocitySF
variable = u
component = x
streamfunction = streamfunction
type = NumbatDarcyVelocitySF
variable = w
component = y
streamfunction = streamfunction
(examples/inputfiles/2DSF.i)while for 3D, three AuxKernels are necessary:
type = NumbatDarcyVelocitySF
variable = u
component = x
streamfunction = 'streamfunctionx streamfunctiony'
type = NumbatDarcyVelocitySF
variable = v
component = y
streamfunction = 'streamfunctionx streamfunctiony'
type = NumbatDarcyVelocitySF
variable = w
component = z
streamfunction = 'streamfunctionx streamfunctiony'
(examples/inputfiles/3DSF.i)For the 3D case, both streamfunction variables must be given, in the correct order (eg. then )