Jacobian Definition

Finite element shape functions are introduced in the documentation section shape functions. There we outline how our primary variables are summations of those shape functions multiplied by constant coefficients which are our degrees of freedom. In numerical implementation we give explicit illustration of how the derivative of a variable u with respect to its jth degree of freedom () is equal to the jth shape function . Similarly the derivative of with respect to is equal to . The code expression _phi[_j][_qp] represents in any MOOSE framework residual and Jacobian computing objects such as kernels and boundary conditions.

Any MOOSE kernel may have an arbitrary number of variables coupled into it. If these coupled variables use the same shape function family and order, then their associated s will be equivalent. However, if u and v use different shape functions then . As a developer, however, you do not in most cases have to worry about these differences in . MOOSE automatically updates the object member variable _phi to use the shape functions of the variable for whom the Jacobian is currently being computed. However, if the primary variable u is a scalar-valued (single-component) finite element variable and the coupled variable v is a vector-valued (multi-component) finite element variable (or visa versa), then you must introduce an additional member variable to represent the shape functions of the vector-valued (scalar-valued) variable. The name of this variable is up to the developer, but we suggest perhaps a _standard_ prefix for scalar valued finite-element variables and _vector_ for vector valued finite-element variables. The _standard_ prefix is suggested over _scalar_ so as not to be confused with a MooseVariableScalar, which only has a single value over the entire spatial domain. An example constructor for a standard kernel that couples in a vector-valued FE variable is shown below:

EFieldAdvection::EFieldAdvection(const InputParameters & parameters)
  : Kernel(parameters),
    _efield_var(*getVectorVar("efield", 0)),

The associated declarations are:

  const unsigned int _efield_id;
  const VectorVariableValue & _efield;
  VectorMooseVariable & _efield_var;
  const VectorVariablePhiValue & _vector_phi;
  const Real _mobility;
  Real _sgn;

Residual, on-diagonal, and off-diagonal methods are respectively

  return -_grad_test[_i][_qp] * _sgn * _mobility * _efield[_qp] * _u[_qp];


  return -_grad_test[_i][_qp] * _sgn * _mobility * _efield[_qp] * _phi[_j][_qp];


EFieldAdvection::computeQpOffDiagJacobian(unsigned int jvar)
  if (jvar == _efield_id)
    return -_grad_test[_i][_qp] * _sgn * _mobility * _vector_phi[_j][_qp] * _u[_qp];
    return 0;

An example constructor for a vector kernel that couples in a
scalar-valued FE variable is shown below:

    const InputParameters & parameters)
  : VectorKernel(parameters),
    _v_var(*getVar("v", 0)),

The associated declarations are:

  const VariableGradient & _grad_v_dot;
  const VariableValue & _d_grad_v_dot_dv;
  const unsigned _v_id;
  MooseVariable & _v_var;
  const VariablePhiGradient & _standard_grad_phi;

Residual and off-diagonal Jacobian methods are respectively:

  return _test[_i][_qp] * _grad_v_dot[_qp];


VectorCoupledGradientTimeDerivative::computeQpOffDiagJacobian(unsigned jvar)
  if (jvar == _v_id)
    return _test[_i][_qp] * _d_grad_v_dot_dv[_qp] * _standard_grad_phi[_j][_qp];

    return 0.;

Note that only one member is needed to represent shape functions for standard MooseVariables and VectorMooseVariables. For example, if the vector-variables v and w are coupled into a standard kernel for u, only a single _vector_phi member needs to be added; there is not need for both a _v_phi and _w_phi. _vector_phi will be automatically updated to represent the shape functions for whichever vector variable the Jacobian is being computed for.