Moose variable system


The current class hierarchy for Moose variables is shown below:

Moose variable hierarchy.

MooseVariableBase is the primitive base class from which all variables inherit. It includes methods for accessing the variable finite element type and order, degress of freedom, scaling factor, name, and associated SystemBase. Two classes inherit directly from MooseVariableBase: MooseVariableFEBase and MooseVariableScalar. MooseVariableScalar represents a Moose variable that is constant over the spatial domain. It has a number of degrees of freedom equal to the order of the variable, e.g. the following variable block would declare a MooseVariableScalar with two associated degrees of freedom:

    order = SECOND
    family = SCALAR

MooseVariableFEBase is an abstract class that encompasses all finite-element type variables; all variables that vary spatially ultimately inherit from MooseVariableFEBase. The class implements all the relevant variable methods other than those that return the actual variable solution or variable shape functions, since the return type in the latter case depends on whether the finite-element variable is scalar-valued (single-component) or vector-valued (multi-component) in nature. The existence of the MooseVariableFEBase class allows construction of containers that hold both single- and multi-component finite element variables. This is useful for instance in the Assembly class where we can abstract the coupling matrix entries or in Jacobian computing objects like Kernels when we want to fetch the numerical ID of the variable using coupled. Moreoever, this design structure mirrors that of the FE design in LibMesh, where FEAbstract is an abstract base class that implements all methods independent of FE type and the class template FEGenericBase<T> implements the type dependent methods analogous to MooseVariableFE<T>.

MooseVariableFE<T> implements methods that return the variable's solution and its associated shape functions. Additionally, it contains the methods responsible for computing the variable solution at quadrature points given the degree of freedom values computed from the previous non-linear solution. "Standard" or "traditional" finite element variables that are single-component are instantiated with the template argument Real; these hold variables of finite element families LAGRANGE, MONOMIAL, HERMITE, etc. Multi-component vector finite element variables are instantiated with the template argument RealVectorValue and currently encompass the finite element familes NEDELEC_ONE and LAGRANGE_VEC. The former is useful for electromagnetic applications or for general PDEs that involve a curl operation. The latter is potentially useful for tensor mechanic or Navier-Stokes simulations where historically displacement or velocity variables have been broken up component-wise. To hide the templating of the Moose variable system from other framework code, MooseVariableFE<Real> and MooseVariableFE<RealVectorValue> have been aliased to MooseVariable and VectorMooseVariable respectively.

Finally, MooseVariableConstMonomial is a class that takes advantage of its finite element type (constant value on an element) to optimize its solution computing routines. Consequently, it overrides the computeElemValues and similar methods of MooseVariableFE<Real>.


There are a myriad of ways to acess Moose variables from user interfaces. We'll outline a few below.


It's common for interface objects (Kernel objects for example) to have a _sys member. The _sys member has the following variable accessor methods which take a THREAD_ID and either a std::string variable name or unsigned variable ID as arguments:

  • getVariable: returns a reference to a MooseVariableFEBase. Useful when access to the variable finite element solution or shape functions is not needed

  • getFieldVariable: this is a templated method that takes as its template argument either Real or RealVectorValue and returns a reference to a MooseVariable or a VectorMooseVariable respectively. Useful when the user knows and needs the complete type

  • getScalarVariable: returns a reference to a MooseVariableScalar

These getter methods ultimately query different map containers in the VariableWarehouse.


Another common interface object member is _subproblem. _subproblem has the following acessors methods which take THREAD_ID and a std::string variable name as arguments (note that acessors through variable IDs do not exist through SubProblem):

  • getVariable: returns a reference to a MooseVariableFEBase. Useful when access to the variable finite element solution or shape functions is not needed. Calls SystemBase::getVariable

  • getStandardVariable: returns a reference to a MooseVariable. Useful when the user knows and needs the complete type. Calls SystemBase::getFieldVariable<Real>

  • getVectorVariable: returns a reference to a VectorMooseVariable. Useful when the user knows and needs the complete type. Calls SystemBase::getFieldVariable<RealVectorValue>

  • getScalarVariable: returns a reference to a MooseVariableScalar

Note that the template abstraction available in SystemBase is not available in SubProblem. This is because the accessor methods in SubProblem are pure virtual, i.e. their implementations are made in derived classes which eliminates the choice of a templated accessor method in the base SubProblem class.


Since most interface objects already supply the user with the primary variable, the most common way a user should be accessing Moose variables is through Coupleable methods. The following accessor methods return actual Moose variable objects and take as arguments the variable name and the "component" which is used when the user passes in multiple variables to a single CoupledVar parameter:

  • getFEVar: returns a pointer to a MooseVariableFEBase. Useful when access to the variable finite element solution or shape functions is not needed

  • getVar: returns a pointer to a MooseVariable. Useful when the complete type is needed

  • getVectorVar: returns a pointer to a VectorMooseVariable. Useful when the complete type is needed

When the user/developer wants access to multiple/all coupled variables, they can call the following methods which take no arguments:

  • getCoupledMooseVars: returns all coupled Moose variables, i.e. both single-component MooseVariables and multi-component VectorMooseVariables. Consequently the return type is std::vector<MooseVariableFEBase *>

  • getCoupledStandardMooseVars: returns all coupled single-component MooseVariables as a std::vector<MooseVariable *>

  • getCoupledVectorMooseVars: returns all coupled multi-component VectorMooseVariables as a std::vector<VectorMooseVariable *>

Often times there is no need for the user/developer to access the actual Moose variable object. Instead they require the variable finite element solution or gradient. Some of these methods are exemplified below:

  • coupledValue: takes a variable name (should correspond to a single-component MooseVariable) and returns the finite element solution at the quadrature points (VariableValue)

  • coupledVectorValue: takes a variable name (should correspond to a multi-component VectorMooseVariable) and returns the finite element solution at the quadrature points (VectorVariableValue)

  • coupledGradient: takes a variable name (should correspond to a single-component MooseVariable) and returns the finite element solution gradient at the quadrature points (VariableGradient)

  • coupledCurl: takes a variable name (should correspond to a multi-component VectorMooseVariable) and returns the curl of the finite element solution at the quadrature points (VectorVariableCurl)