Windows 10


Using MOOSE on Windows 10 is experimental and not fully supported.

Known issues:

  • Peacock does not work correctly.

  • Microsoft is now offering several different flavors of linux. Different versions means you need to choose wisely!

    • (at the time of this writing, we have installation packages for: Ubuntu and OpenSUSE Leap)

Begin by performing the following external sets of instructions. Do note, that when it comes time to decide what distribution of Linux you want, you should try and choose a flavor listed among our getting started pages for the smoothest installation process. This is not a requirement however, as MOOSE will run on just about any flavor of Linux if you are of the adventurous type!

Edit Hostname within WSL

Launch WSL, and modify the /etc/hosts file to include the results of hostname to resolve to This is necessary due to the way MPICH (a message passing interface) passes information among itself when running applications (like MOOSE) in parallel.

[~]> hostname

[~]> sudo vi /etc/hosts   localhost   DESKTOP-L7BGA7L    <---- ADD THAT

Update Ubuntu/OpenSUSE within WSL

Launch WSL, and perform an update:

# Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade

# OpenSUSE:
sudo zypper update

Setup Xming

Launch WSL, and modify your bash profile to allow WSL to connect to Xming.

echo "export DISPLAY=localhost:0" >> ~/.bashrc

Once the above items are complete, please follow the installation instructions pertaining to your choice of Linux OS among our getting started pages. If you chose a Linux distribution we do not have a package for, then you will want to follow one of our 'Manual Install' instructions.