
The TimePeriod object is designed to control the active state of an object as a function of time. Nearly all objects (e.g., Kernels, BCs, etc.) may be enabled/disabled according to the simulation time using the TimePeriod control.

For example, consider a simulation that contains two Kernels "diff0" and "diff1". Initially, "diff0" is active and after time 0.49 "diff1" becomes active and "diff0" is disable. The following code snippet demonstrates how this switching of kernels is achieve with the TimePeriod object.

    type = TimePeriod
    enable_objects = 'Kernel::diff0'
    disable_objects = '*::diff1'
    start_time = '0'
    end_time = '0.49'

Notice that the object names—the "enable_objects" and "disable_objects" parameters—expect a list of object names, which are defined in two different ways. For a discussion on the naming of objects and parameters see Object and Parameter Names section.

Input Parameters

  • start_timeThe time at which the objects are to be enabled/disabled.

    C++ Type:std::vector

    Description:The time at which the objects are to be enabled/disabled.

  • depends_onThe Controls that this control relies upon (i.e. must execute before this one)

    C++ Type:std::vector

    Description:The Controls that this control relies upon (i.e. must execute before this one)

  • disable_objectsA list of object tags to disable.

    C++ Type:std::vector

    Description:A list of object tags to disable.

  • set_sync_timesFalseSet the start and end time as execute sync times.


    C++ Type:bool

    Description:Set the start and end time as execute sync times.

  • end_timeThe time at which the objects are to be enable/disabled.

    C++ Type:std::vector

    Description:The time at which the objects are to be enable/disabled.

  • set_outside_of_rangeTrueWhen true the disable/enable lists are set to opposite values when outside of the given time range.


    C++ Type:bool

    Description:When true the disable/enable lists are set to opposite values when outside of the given time range.

  • execute_onINITIAL TIMESTEP_ENDThe list of flag(s) indicating when this object should be executed, the available options include NONE, INITIAL, LINEAR, NONLINEAR, TIMESTEP_END, TIMESTEP_BEGIN, FINAL, CUSTOM.


    C++ Type:ExecFlagEnum

    Description:The list of flag(s) indicating when this object should be executed, the available options include NONE, INITIAL, LINEAR, NONLINEAR, TIMESTEP_END, TIMESTEP_BEGIN, FINAL, CUSTOM.

  • enable_objectsA list of object tags to enable.

    C++ Type:std::vector

    Description:A list of object tags to enable.

Optional Parameters

  • control_tagsAdds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.

    C++ Type:std::vector

    Description:Adds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.

  • enableTrueSet the enabled status of the MooseObject.


    C++ Type:bool

    Description:Set the enabled status of the MooseObject.

  • implicitTrueDetermines whether this object is calculated using an implicit or explicit form


    C++ Type:bool

    Description:Determines whether this object is calculated using an implicit or explicit form

Advanced Parameters