
Eigenvalue solves a standard/generalized eigenvaue problem

Input Parameters

  • line_search_packagepetscThe solver package to use to conduct the line-search


    C++ Type:MooseEnum

    Description:The solver package to use to conduct the line-search

  • petsc_options_inameNames of PETSc name/value pairs

    C++ Type:MultiMooseEnum

    Description:Names of PETSc name/value pairs

  • mffd_typewpSpecifies the finite differencing type for Jacobian-free solve types. Note that the default is wp (for Walker and Pernice).


    C++ Type:MooseEnum

    Description:Specifies the finite differencing type for Jacobian-free solve types. Note that the default is wp (for Walker and Pernice).

  • splittingTop-level splitting defining a hierarchical decomposition into subsystems to help the solver.

    C++ Type:std::vector

    Description:Top-level splitting defining a hierarchical decomposition into subsystems to help the solver.

  • line_searchdefaultSpecifies the line search type (Note: none = basic)


    C++ Type:MooseEnum

    Description:Specifies the line search type (Note: none = basic)

  • contact_line_search_ltolThe linear relative tolerance to be used while the contact state is changing between non-linear iterations. We recommend that this tolerance be looser than the standard linear tolerance

    C++ Type:double

    Description:The linear relative tolerance to be used while the contact state is changing between non-linear iterations. We recommend that this tolerance be looser than the standard linear tolerance

  • petsc_options_valueValues of PETSc name/value pairs (must correspond with "petsc_options_iname"

    C++ Type:std::vector

    Description:Values of PETSc name/value pairs (must correspond with "petsc_options_iname"

  • solve_typePJFNK: Preconditioned Jacobian-Free Newton Krylov JFNK: Jacobian-Free Newton Krylov NEWTON: Full Newton Solve FD: Use finite differences to compute Jacobian LINEAR: Solving a linear problem

    C++ Type:MooseEnum

    Description:PJFNK: Preconditioned Jacobian-Free Newton Krylov JFNK: Jacobian-Free Newton Krylov NEWTON: Full Newton Solve FD: Use finite differences to compute Jacobian LINEAR: Solving a linear problem

  • petsc_optionsSingleton PETSc options

    C++ Type:MultiMooseEnum

    Description:Singleton PETSc options

  • contact_line_search_allowed_lambda_cuts2The number of times lambda is allowed to be cut in half in the contact line search. We recommend this number be roughly bounded by 0 <= allowed_lambda_cuts <= 3


    C++ Type:unsigned int

    Description:The number of times lambda is allowed to be cut in half in the contact line search. We recommend this number be roughly bounded by 0 <= allowed_lambda_cuts <= 3

Optional Parameters

  • l_abs_step_tol-1Linear Absolute Step Tolerance


    C++ Type:double

    Description:Linear Absolute Step Tolerance

  • nl_abs_tol1e-50Nonlinear Absolute Tolerance


    C++ Type:double

    Description:Nonlinear Absolute Tolerance

  • nl_max_its50Max Nonlinear Iterations


    C++ Type:unsigned int

    Description:Max Nonlinear Iterations

  • l_max_its10000Max Linear Iterations


    C++ Type:unsigned int

    Description:Max Linear Iterations

  • compute_initial_residual_before_preset_bcsFalseUse the residual norm computed *before* PresetBCs are imposed in relative convergence check


    C++ Type:bool

    Description:Use the residual norm computed *before* PresetBCs are imposed in relative convergence check

  • nl_rel_tol1e-08Nonlinear Relative Tolerance


    C++ Type:double

    Description:Nonlinear Relative Tolerance

  • l_tol1e-05Linear Tolerance


    C++ Type:double

    Description:Linear Tolerance

  • nl_max_funcs10000Max Nonlinear solver function evaluations


    C++ Type:unsigned int

    Description:Max Nonlinear solver function evaluations

  • nl_rel_step_tol1e-50Nonlinear Relative step Tolerance


    C++ Type:double

    Description:Nonlinear Relative step Tolerance

  • nl_abs_step_tol1e-50Nonlinear Absolute step Tolerance


    C++ Type:double

    Description:Nonlinear Absolute step Tolerance

Solver Parameters

  • no_fe_reinitFalseSpecifies whether or not to reinitialize FEs


    C++ Type:bool

    Description:Specifies whether or not to reinitialize FEs

  • control_tagsAdds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.

    C++ Type:std::vector

    Description:Adds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.

  • enableTrueSet the enabled status of the MooseObject.


    C++ Type:bool

    Description:Set the enabled status of the MooseObject.

Advanced Parameters

    Restart Parameters