
under construction:Undocumented Class

The InversePowerMethod has not been documented, if you would like to contribute to MOOSE by writing documentation, please see Documenting MOOSE. The content contained on this page explains the typical documentation associated with a MooseObject; however, what is contained is ultimately determined by what is necessary to make the documentation clear for users.

!syntax description /Executioner/InversePowerMethod

Input Parameters

  • bx_normTo evaluate |Bx| for the eigenvalue

    C++ Type:PostprocessorName

    Description:To evaluate |Bx| for the eigenvalue

Required Parameters

  • xdiffTo evaluate |x-x_previous| for power iterations

    C++ Type:PostprocessorName

    Description:To evaluate |x-x_previous| for power iterations

  • line_search_packagepetscThe solver package to use to conduct the line-search


    C++ Type:MooseEnum

    Description:The solver package to use to conduct the line-search

  • pfactor0.01Reduce residual norm per power iteration by this factor


    C++ Type:double

    Description:Reduce residual norm per power iteration by this factor

  • petsc_options_valueValues of PETSc name/value pairs (must correspond with "petsc_options_iname"

    C++ Type:std::vector

    Description:Values of PETSc name/value pairs (must correspond with "petsc_options_iname"

  • petsc_options_inameNames of PETSc name/value pairs

    C++ Type:MultiMooseEnum

    Description:Names of PETSc name/value pairs

  • petsc_optionsSingleton PETSc options

    C++ Type:MultiMooseEnum

    Description:Singleton PETSc options

  • splittingTop-level splitting defining a hierarchical decomposition into subsystems to help the solver.

    C++ Type:std::vector

    Description:Top-level splitting defining a hierarchical decomposition into subsystems to help the solver.

  • line_searchdefaultSpecifies the line search type (Note: none = basic)


    C++ Type:MooseEnum

    Description:Specifies the line search type (Note: none = basic)

  • Chebyshev_acceleration_onTrueIf Chebyshev acceleration is turned on


    C++ Type:bool

    Description:If Chebyshev acceleration is turned on

  • contact_line_search_ltolThe linear relative tolerance to be used while the contact state is changing between non-linear iterations. We recommend that this tolerance be looser than the standard linear tolerance

    C++ Type:double

    Description:The linear relative tolerance to be used while the contact state is changing between non-linear iterations. We recommend that this tolerance be looser than the standard linear tolerance

  • k01Initial guess of the eigenvalue


    C++ Type:double

    Description:Initial guess of the eigenvalue

  • eig_check_tol1e-06Eigenvalue convergence tolerance


    C++ Type:double

    Description:Eigenvalue convergence tolerance

  • solve_typePJFNK: Preconditioned Jacobian-Free Newton Krylov JFNK: Jacobian-Free Newton Krylov NEWTON: Full Newton Solve FD: Use finite differences to compute Jacobian LINEAR: Solving a linear problem

    C++ Type:MooseEnum

    Description:PJFNK: Preconditioned Jacobian-Free Newton Krylov JFNK: Jacobian-Free Newton Krylov NEWTON: Full Newton Solve FD: Use finite differences to compute Jacobian LINEAR: Solving a linear problem

  • mffd_typewpSpecifies the finite differencing type for Jacobian-free solve types. Note that the default is wp (for Walker and Pernice).


    C++ Type:MooseEnum

    Description:Specifies the finite differencing type for Jacobian-free solve types. Note that the default is wp (for Walker and Pernice).

  • min_power_iterations1Minimum number of power iterations


    C++ Type:unsigned int

    Description:Minimum number of power iterations

  • contact_line_search_allowed_lambda_cuts2The number of times lambda is allowed to be cut in half in the contact line search. We recommend this number be roughly bounded by 0 <= allowed_lambda_cuts <= 3


    C++ Type:unsigned int

    Description:The number of times lambda is allowed to be cut in half in the contact line search. We recommend this number be roughly bounded by 0 <= allowed_lambda_cuts <= 3

  • sol_check_tol1.79769e+308Convergence tolerance on |x-x_previous| when provided


    C++ Type:double

    Description:Convergence tolerance on |x-x_previous| when provided

  • max_power_iterations300The maximum number of power iterations


    C++ Type:unsigned int

    Description:The maximum number of power iterations

Optional Parameters

  • no_fe_reinitFalseSpecifies whether or not to reinitialize FEs


    C++ Type:bool

    Description:Specifies whether or not to reinitialize FEs

  • control_tagsAdds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.

    C++ Type:std::vector

    Description:Adds user-defined labels for accessing object parameters via control logic.

  • enableTrueSet the enabled status of the MooseObject.


    C++ Type:bool

    Description:Set the enabled status of the MooseObject.

  • time0System time


    C++ Type:double

    Description:System time

  • auto_initializationTrueTrue to ask the solver to set initial


    C++ Type:bool

    Description:True to ask the solver to set initial

Advanced Parameters

  • l_abs_step_tol-1Linear Absolute Step Tolerance


    C++ Type:double

    Description:Linear Absolute Step Tolerance

  • nl_abs_tol1e-50Nonlinear Absolute Tolerance


    C++ Type:double

    Description:Nonlinear Absolute Tolerance

  • nl_max_its50Max Nonlinear Iterations


    C++ Type:unsigned int

    Description:Max Nonlinear Iterations

  • l_max_its10000Max Linear Iterations


    C++ Type:unsigned int

    Description:Max Linear Iterations

  • compute_initial_residual_before_preset_bcsFalseUse the residual norm computed *before* PresetBCs are imposed in relative convergence check


    C++ Type:bool

    Description:Use the residual norm computed *before* PresetBCs are imposed in relative convergence check

  • nl_rel_tol1e-08Nonlinear Relative Tolerance


    C++ Type:double

    Description:Nonlinear Relative Tolerance

  • l_tol1e-05Linear Tolerance


    C++ Type:double

    Description:Linear Tolerance

  • nl_max_funcs10000Max Nonlinear solver function evaluations


    C++ Type:unsigned int

    Description:Max Nonlinear solver function evaluations

  • nl_rel_step_tol1e-50Nonlinear Relative step Tolerance


    C++ Type:double

    Description:Nonlinear Relative step Tolerance

  • nl_abs_step_tol1e-50Nonlinear Absolute step Tolerance


    C++ Type:double

    Description:Nonlinear Absolute step Tolerance

Solver Parameters

  • normal_factorNormalize x to make |x| equal to this factor

    C++ Type:double

    Description:Normalize x to make |x| equal to this factor

  • output_before_normalizationTrueTrue to output a step before normalization


    C++ Type:bool

    Description:True to output a step before normalization

  • normalizationTo evaluate |x| for normalization

    C++ Type:PostprocessorName

    Description:To evaluate |x| for normalization

Normalization Parameters

    Restart Parameters
