AutoLink Extension
The AutoLink extension provide cross page automatic linking for markdown (*.md) files. This allows pages, such as those on this site, to link to each other by partial name. In the case of shortcut style linkes (see Core Extension:Shortcut links) heading content will also be include automatically.
The following table lists the available configuration options for the AutoLink extension.
Table 1: Configuration options for the AutoLink extension.
Key | Default | Description |
include-page-header | True | Include the linked page top-level header as a prefix to the auto generated link content when rendering shortcut links. |
Automatic Links
The link within traditional markdown links (e.g., [text](link)
) may include a markdown filename. The name must be unique, but may be incomplete. The entire page hieerachy is searched and filenames are compared using the python "endswith" method. Thus, the supplied name is considered unique if only one path from all possible paths ends with the supplied text, see Example 1.
Example 1: Example automatic link to another markdown page.
The markdown filename link also supports html bookmark style links, as shown in Example 2.
Example 2: Example of automatic link to another markdown page that includes an html bookmark.
Automatic Link Shortcuts
Markdown syntax includes syntax for creating shortcuts (see Core Extension:Shortcut links), within MooseDocs these are deemed "shortcut links." The AutoLink extension allows for markdown filenames to be used within a shortcut link. In this case the text from the first heading is used as the link text, as in Example 3.
Example 3: Example of a shortcut link that contains a markdown filename.
It is also possible to include html style bookmarks with the filename, depending on the configuration (see Table 1) the link text will include the name of the text within the bookmark and optionally the page heading, see Example 4.
Example 4: Example of a shortcut linke that contains a markdown file including an html style bookmark.
Automatic Source Content
If a filename is used within a link or shortcut link and the file is contained in the git repository a bottom extending modal window will be created that displays the complete text, as shown in Example 5.
Example 5: Example showing source code links to modal windows with complete source code.
[Diffusion Kernel](/Diffusion.C)