Numbat systems
As a MOOSE app, Numbat provides access to all objects in the MOOSE framework. The following is a complete list of all available objects.
- AddElementalFieldAction
- AddMarkerAction
- BoxMarkerMarks the region inside and outside of a 'box' domain for refinement or coarsening.
- ComboMarkerA marker that converts many markers into a single marker by considering the maximum value of the listed markers (i.e., refinement takes precedent).
- ErrorFractionMarkerMarks elements for refinement or coarsening based on the fraction of the min/max error from the supplied indicator.
- ErrorToleranceMarkerCoarsen or refine elements based on an absolute tolerance allowed from the supplied indicator.
- OrientedBoxMarkerMarks inside and outside a box that can have arbitrary orientation and center point.
- UniformMarkerUniformly mark all elements for refinement or coarsening.
- ValueRangeMarkerMark elements for adaptivity based on the supplied upper and lower bounds and the specified variable.
- ValueThresholdMarkerThe the refinement state based on a threshold value compared to the specified variable.
- NumbatDarcyVelocityCalculates Darcy velocity
- NumbatDarcyVelocitySFCalculates Darcy velocity
- AddKernelAction
- BoundsAux
- ConstantAuxCreates a constant field in the domain.
- DebugResidualAux
- DiffusionFluxAuxCompute components of flux vector for diffusion problems .
- ElementH1ErrorFunctionAuxComputes the H1 or W^{1,p} error between an exact function and a coupled variable.
- ElementL2ErrorFunctionAuxA class for computing the element-wise L^2 (Euclidean) error between a function and a coupled variable.
- ElementLengthAuxCompute the element size using Elem::hmin() or Elem::hmax() from libMesh.
- ElementLpNormAuxCompute an elemental field variable (single value per element) equal to the Lp-norm of a coupled Variable.
- FunctionAuxAuxiliary Kernel that creates and updates a field variable by sampling a function through space and time.
- GapValueAux
- MaterialRankFourTensorAuxAccess a component of a RankFourTensor for automatic material property output
- MaterialRankTwoTensorAuxAccess a component of a RankTwoTensor for automatic material property output
- MaterialRealAuxOutputs element volume-averaged material properties
- MaterialRealDenseMatrixAux
- MaterialRealTensorValueAux
- MaterialRealVectorValueAux
- MaterialStdVectorAuxExtracts a component of a material type std::vector
to an aux variable. If the std::vector is not of sufficient size then zero is returned - MaterialStdVectorRealGradientAuxExtracts a component of a material's std::vector
to an aux variable. If the std::vector is not of sufficient size then zero is returned - NearestNodeDistanceAuxStores the distance between a block and boundary or between two boundaries.
- NearestNodeValueAuxRetrieves a field value from the closest node on the paired boundary and stores it on this boundary or block.
- NormalizationAux
- ParsedAuxParsed function AuxKernel.
- PenetrationAuxAuxililary Kernel for computing several geometry related quantities between two contacting bodies.
- ProcessorIDAuxCreates a field showing the processors and partitioning.
- QuotientAuxDivides two coupled variables.
- SelfAux
- SolutionAuxCreates fields by using information from a SolutionUserObject.
- SpatialUserObjectAux
- TagMatrixAuxCouple the diag of a tag matrix, and return its nodal value
- TagVectorAuxCouple a tag vector, and return its nodal value
- VariableGradientComponentCreates a field with consisting of one component of a coupled variable.
- VariableTimeIntegrationAux
- VectorMagnitudeAuxCreates a field representing the magnitude of three coupled variables using an Euclidean norm.
- VectorPostprocessorVisualizationAuxRead values from a VectorPostprocessor that is producing vectors that are 'number of processors' * in length. Puts the value for each processor into an elemental auxiliary field.
- NumbatDiffusionDGBCDirichlet boundary condition for use with NumbatDiffusionDG
- NumbatPerturbationBCDirichlet boundary condition that includes a random perturbation
- AddBCAction
- ConvectiveFluxBCDetermines boundary values via the initial and final values, flux, and exposure duration
- DGFunctionDiffusionDirichletBC
- DiffusionFluxBCComputes a boundary residual contribution consistent with the Diffusion Kernel. Does not impose a boundary condition; instead computes the boundary contribution corresponding to the current value of grad(u) and accumulates it in the residual vector.
- DirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where is a constant, controllable value.
- EigenDirichletBCDirichlet BC for eigenvalue solvers
- FunctionDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where is a (possibly) time and space-dependent MOOSE Function.
- FunctionNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a (possibly) time and space-dependent MOOSE Function.
- FunctionPenaltyDirichletBC
- FunctionPresetBCThe same as FunctionDirichletBC except the value is applied before the solve begins
- LagrangeVecDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where are constant, controllable values.
- LagrangeVecFunctionDirichletBCImposes the essential boundary condition , where components are calculated with functions.
- MatchedValueBCImplements a NodalBC which equates two different Variables' values on a specified boundary.
- NeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a constant, controllable value.
- OneDEqualValueConstraintBC
- PenaltyDirichletBCEnforces a Dirichlet boundary condition in a weak sense by penalizing differences between the current solution and the Dirichlet data.
- PostprocessorDirichletBC
- PostprocessorNeumannBC
- PresetBCSimilar to DirichletBC except the value is applied before the solve begins
- SinDirichletBCImposes a time-varying essential boundary condition , where varies from an given initial value at time to a given final value over a specified duration.
- SinNeumannBCImposes a time-varying flux boundary condition , where varies from an given initial value at time to a given final value over a specified duration.
- VacuumBC
- VectorNeumannBCImposes the integrated boundary condition , where is a user-defined, constant vector.
- WeakGradientBCComputes a boundary residual contribution consistent with the Diffusion Kernel. Does not impose a boundary condition; instead computes the boundary contribution corresponding to the current value of grad(u) and accumulates it in the residual vector.
- Periodic
- AddControlAction
- RealFunctionControlSets the value of a 'Real' input parameters to the value of a provided function.
- TimePeriodControl the enabled/disabled state of objects with time.
- NumbatConvectionDGDiscontinuous Galerkin upwinded convection
- NumbatDiffusionDGDiffusion kernel for the Discontinuous Galerkin method
- AddDGKernelAction
- DGConvectionDG upwinding for the convection
- DGDiffusion
- CreateExecutionerAction
- DetermineSystemType
- EigenvalueEigenvalue solves a standard/generalized eigenvaue problem
- InversePowerMethod
- NonlinearEigen
- Steady
- Transient
- Adaptivity
- Predictor
- Quadrature
- TimeIntegrator
- TimeStepper
- SetupTimeIntegratorAction
- AStableDirk4
- ActuallyExplicitEulerImplementation of Explicit/Forward Euler without invoking any of the nonlinear solver
- BDF2
- CrankNicolson
- ExplicitEuler
- ExplicitMidpoint
- ExplicitTVDRK2
- Heun
- ImplicitEuler
- ImplicitMidpoint
- LStableDirk2
- LStableDirk3
- LStableDirk4
- Ralston
- SetupTimeStepperAction
- AB2PredictorCorrector
- CSVTimeSequenceStepperSolves the Transient problem at a sequence of given time points read in a file.
- ConstantDTTimestepper that takes a constant time step size
- DT2
- ExodusTimeSequenceStepperSolves the Transient problem at a sequence of time points taken from a specified exodus file.
- FunctionDTTimestepper whose steps vary over time according to a user-defined fuction
- IterationAdaptiveDTAdjust the timestep based on the number of iterations
- LogConstantDTTimeStepper which imposes a time step constant in the logarithmic space
- PostprocessorDT
- SolutionTimeAdaptiveDT
- TimeSequenceStepperSolves the Transient problem at a sequence of given time points.
- AddFunctionAction
- Axisymmetric2D3DSolutionFunctionFunction for reading a 2D axisymmetric solution from file and mapping it to a 3D Cartesian model
- BicubicSplineFunction
- CompositeFunctionMultiplies an arbitrary set of functions together
- ConstantFunction
- ImageFunctionFunction with values sampled from a given image stack
- LinearCombinationFunctionReturns the linear combination of the functions
- ParsedFunction
- ParsedGradFunction
- ParsedVectorFunction
- PiecewiseBilinearInterpolates values from a csv file
- PiecewiseConstantDefines data using a set of x-y data pairs
- PiecewiseLinearLinearly interpolates between pairs of x-y data
- PiecewiseMultilinearPiecewiseMultilinear performs interpolation on 1D, 2D, 3D or 4D data. The data_file specifies the axes directions and the function values. If a point lies outside the data range, the appropriate end value is used.
- SolutionFunction
- SplineFunction
- TestSetupPostprocessorDataActionFunction
- VectorPostprocessorFunction
- NumbatPerturbationICPerturbed initial condition that can be used to initiate convection
- AddInitialConditionAction
- BoundingBoxICBoundingBoxIC allows setting the initial condition of a value inside and outside of a specified box. The box is aligned with the x, y, z axes
- ConstantICSets a constant field value.
- FunctionICAn initial condition that uses a normal function of x, y, z to produce values (and optionally gradients) for a field variable.
- FunctionScalarIC
- RandomICThis class produces a random field for a variable. It is not parallel agnostic.
- ScalarComponentIC
- ScalarConstantIC
- NumbatConvectionConvection of concentration with velocity given by Darcy's law
- NumbatConvectionSFConvection of concentration with velocity given by Darcy's law using the streamfunction formulation
- NumbatDarcyDarcy's law
- NumbatDarcySFDarcy's law for the streamfunction formulation
- NumbatDiffusionDiffusion kernel with porosity
- NumbatDiffusionSFDiffusion kernel for the streamfunction formulation
- NumbatTimeDerivativeTime derivative kernel
- AddKernelAction
- AnisotropicDiffusionAnisotropic diffusion kernel with weak form given by .
- BodyForceDemonstrates the multiple ways that scalar values can be introduced into kernels, e.g. (controllable) constants, functions, and postprocessors. Implements the weak form .
- CoefTimeDerivativeThe time derivative operator with the weak form of .
- ConservativeAdvectionConservative form of which in its weak form is given by: .
- CoupledForceImplements a source term proportional to the value of a coupled variable. Weak form: .
- CoupledTimeDerivativeTime derivative Kernel that acts on a coupled variable. Weak form: .
- DiffusionThe Laplacian operator (), with the weak form of .
- MassEigenKernelAn eigenkernel with weak form where is the eigenvalue.
- MassLumpedTimeDerivativeLumped formulation of the time derivative . Its corresponding weak form is where denotes the time derivative of the solution coefficient associated with node .
- MaterialDerivativeRankFourTestKernelClass used for testing derivatives of a rank four tensor material property.
- MaterialDerivativeRankTwoTestKernelClass used for testing derivatives of a rank two tensor material property.
- MaterialDerivativeTestKernelClass used for testing derivatives of a scalar material property.
- NullKernelKernel that sets a zero residual.
- ReactionImplements a simple consuming reaction term with weak form .
- TimeDerivativeThe time derivative operator with the weak form of .
- UserForcingFunctionDemonstrates the multiple ways that scalar values can be introduced into kernels, e.g. (controllable) constants, functions, and postprocessors. Implements the weak form .
- VectorBodyForceDemonstrates the multiple ways that scalar values can be introduced into kernels, e.g. (controllable) constants, functions, and postprocessors. Implements the weak form .
- VectorDiffusionThe Laplacian operator (), with the weak form of .
- NumbatDensityThis Material calculates the density of the fluid with given concentration
- NumbatDensityMultipleSpeciesThis Material calculates the density of the fluid with given species concentration(s)
- NumbatDiffusivityThis Material provides a diffusivity material property
- NumbatPermeabilityThis Material provides a constant permeability material property
- NumbatPermeabilityFromVarThis Material provides the permeability tensor given by the input variables
- NumbatPorosityThis Material provides a porosity material property
- NumbatViscosityThis Material provides a viscosity material property
- AddMaterialAction
- DerivativeParsedMaterialParsed Function Material with automatic derivatives.
- DerivativeSumMaterialMeta-material to sum up multiple derivative materials
- GenericConstantMaterial
- GenericConstantRankTwoTensor
- GenericFunctionMaterial
- ParsedMaterialParsed Function Material.
- PiecewiseLinearInterpolationMaterialCompute a property using a piecewise linear interpolation to define its dependence on a variable
- NumbatBiasedMeshGenerates a regular orthogonal mesh with a bias of specified initial resolution at a specified edge
- CreateDisplacedProblemAction
- SetupMeshAction
- SetupMeshCompleteAction
- AnnularMeshFor rmin>0: creates an annular mesh of QUAD4 elements. For rmin=0: creates a disc mesh of QUAD4 and TRI3 elements. Boundary sidesets are created at rmax and rmin, and given these names. If tmin!0 and tmax!2Pi, a sector of an annulus or disc is created. In this case boundary sidesets are also created a tmin and tmax, and given these names
- ConcentricCircleMeshThis ConcentricCircleMesh source code is to generate concentric circle meshes.
- DistributedGeneratedMeshCreate a line, square, or cube mesh with uniformly spaced or biased elements.
- FileMeshRead a mesh from a file.
- GeneratedMeshCreate a line, square, or cube mesh with uniformly spaced or biased elements.
- ImageMeshGenerated mesh with the aspect ratio of a given image stack.
- PatternedMeshCreates a 2D mesh from a specified set of unique 'tiles' meshes and a two-dimensional pattern.
- StitchedMeshReads in all of the given meshes and stitches them all together into one mesh.
- TiledMeshUse the supplied mesh and create a tiled grid by repeating this mesh in the x,y, and z directions.
- MortarInterfaces
- Partitioner
- PartitionerAction
- GridPartitionerCreate a uniform grid that overlays the mesh to be partitioned. Assign all elements within each cell of the grid to the same processor.
- LibmeshPartitioner
- PetscExternalPartitionerPartition mesh using external packages via PETSc MatPartitioning interface
- AddMeshModifierAction
- AddAllSideSetsByNormals
- AddExtraNodeset
- AddSideSetsFromBoundingBoxFind sidesets with given boundary ids in bounding box and add new boundary id. This can be done by finding all required boundary and adding the new boundary id to those sidesets. Alternatively, a number of boundary ids can be provided and all nodes within the bounding box that have all the required boundary ids will have a newboundary id added.
- AssignElementSubdomainID
- AssignSubdomainID
- BlockDeleterMesh modifier which removes elements with the specified subdomain ID
- BoundingBoxNodeSetAssigns all of the nodes either inside or outside of a bounding box to a new nodeset.
- BreakBoundaryOnSubdomainBreak boundaries based on the subdomains to which their sides are attached. Naming convention for the new boundaries will be the old boundary name plus "_to_" plus the subdomain name
- BreakMeshByBlockBreak boundaries based on the subdomains to which their sides are attached. Naming convention for the new boundaries will be the old boundary name plus "_to_" plus the subdomain name. At the momentthis only works on REPLICATED mesh
- ImageSubdomainSamples an image at the coordinates of each element centroid using the resulting value as each element's subdomain ID
- LowerDBlockFromSidesetAdds lower dimensional elements on the specified sidesets.
- MeshExtruderTakes a 1D or 2D mesh and extrudes the entire structure along the specified axis increasing the dimensionality of the mesh.
- MeshSideSetAdd lower dimensional elements along the faces contained in a side set to set up mixed dimensional problems
- OrientedSubdomainBoundingBox
- ParsedAddSidesetA MeshModifier that adds element's sides to a sideset if the centroid satisfies the combinatorial_geometry expression, (and optionally) if one of the side's elements is in included_subdomain_ids and if it features the correct normal.
- ParsedSubdomainMeshModifierMeshModifier that uses a parsed expression (combinatorial_geometry) to determine if an element (aka its centroid) is inside the combinatorial geometry and assigns a new block id.
- RenameBlockRenameBlock re-numbers or re-names an old_block_id or old_block_name with a new_block_id or new_block_name. If using RenameBlock to merge blocks (by giving them the same name, for instance) it is advisable to specify all your blocks in old_blocks to avoid inconsistencies
- SideSetsAroundSubdomainAdds element faces that are on the exterior of the given block to the sidesets specified
- SideSetsBetweenSubdomains
- SideSetsFromNormalsAdds a new named sideset to the mesh for all faces matching the specified normal.
- SideSetsFromPointsAdds a new sideset starting at the specified point containing all connected element faces with the same normal.
- SubdomainBoundingBoxChanges the subdomain ID of elements either (XOR) inside or outside the specified box to the specified ID.
- TransformApplies a linear transform to the entire mesh.
- NumbatActionAction to automatically add all variables, kernels, boundary conditions and postprocessors for the dimensional formulation
- NumbatSFActionAction to automatically add all variables, kernels, boundary conditions and postprocessors for the dimensionless formulation
- NumbatEffectivePermeabilityActionAction to automatically add all variables, kernels, boundary conditions and postprocessors to calculate effective permeability
- CommonOutputAction
- AddOutputAction
- Checkpoint
- Console
- ControlOutput
- DOFMap
- ExodusObject for output data in the Exodus II format
- GMVObject for outputting data in the GMV format
- Gnuplot
- MaterialPropertyDebugOutput
- NemesisObject for output data in the Nemesis format
- PerfGraphOutputControls output of the PerfGraph: the performance log for MOOSE
- SolutionHistory
- TecplotObject for outputting data in the Tecplot format
- TopResidualDebugOutput
- VariableResidualNormsDebugOutput
- XDAObject for outputting data in the XDA/XDR format
- XDRObject for outputting data in the XDA/XDR format
- NumbatEffectivePermeabilityCalculates effective permeability of equivalent homogeneous model
- NumbatRayleighNumberCalculates Rayleigh number
- NumbatSideFluxCalculates the mass flux over the boundary
- NumbatSideFluxSFCalculates the dimensionless mass flux over the boundary for the streamfunction formulation
- NumbatTotalMassCalculates the total mass in model
- NumbatTotalMassSFCalculates the total dimensionless mass in model for the streamfunction formulation
- AddPostprocessorAction
- SetupPostprocessorDataAction
- AreaPostprocessorComputes the "area" or dimension - 1 "volume" of a given boundary or boundaries in your mesh.
- AverageElementSize
- AverageNodalVariableValue
- AxisymmetricCenterlineAverageValueComputes the average value of a variable on a sideset located along the centerline of an axisymmetric model.
- ChangeOverTimePostprocessorComputes the change or relative change in a post-processor value over a timestep or the entire transient
- ChangeOverTimestepPostprocessorComputes the change or relative change in a post-processor value over a timestep or the entire transient
- CumulativeValuePostprocessor
- DifferencePostprocessor
- ElementAverageTimeDerivative
- ElementAverageValue
- ElementExtremeValue
- ElementH1Error
- ElementH1SemiError
- ElementIntegralMaterialProperty
- ElementIntegralVariablePostprocessor
- ElementL2Difference
- ElementL2Error
- ElementL2Norm
- ElementVectorL2Error
- ElementW1pError
- ElementalVariableValueOutputs an elemental variable value at a particular location
- EmptyPostprocessor
- ExecutionerAttributeReporter
- FindValueOnLineFind a specific target value along a sampling line. The variable values along the line should change monotonically. The target value is searched using a bisection algorithm.
- FunctionSideIntegral
- FunctionValuePostprocessor
- LinearCombinationPostprocessor
- MemoryUsageMemory usage statistics for the running simulation.
- NodalExtremeValue
- NodalL2Error
- NodalL2Norm
- NodalMaxValue
- NodalProxyMaxValue
- NodalSum
- NodalVariableValueOutputs values of a nodal variable at a particular location
- NumDOFsReturn the number of Degrees of freedom from either the NL, Aux or both systems.
- NumElemsReturn the number of active or total elements in the simulation.
- NumLinearIterations
- NumNodesReturns the total number of nodes in a simulation (works with DistributedMesh)
- NumNonlinearIterationsOutputs the number of nonlinear iterations
- NumPicardIterations
- NumResidualEvaluations
- NumVarsReturn the number of variables from either the NL, Aux, or both systems.
- PercentChangePostprocessor
- PerfGraphDataRetrieves timing information from the PerfGraph.
- PerformanceDataProvides programmatic access to Performance Log Data
- PointValue
- Receiver
- RelativeDifferencePostprocessorComputes the absolute value of the relative difference between 2 post-processor values.
- RelativeSolutionDifferenceNorm
- Residual
- ScalarL2Error
- ScalarVariable
- ScalePostprocessor
- SideAverageValueComputes the average value of a variable on a sideset. Note that this cannot be used on the centerline of an axisymmetric model.
- SideFluxAverageComputes the integral of the flux over the specified boundary
- SideFluxIntegralComputes the integral of the flux over the specified boundary
- SideIntegralVariablePostprocessor
- TimeExtremeValueA postprocessor for reporting the extreme value of another postprocessor over time.
- TimestepSizeReports the timestep size
- TotalVariableValue
- VariableInnerProduct
- VariableResidual
- VectorPostprocessorComparisonCompares two vector post-processors of equal size and produces a boolean value
- VolumePostprocessor
- CreateProblemAction
- DynamicObjectRegistrationAction
- DisplacedProblem
- DumpObjectsProblemSingle purpose problem object that does not run the given input but allows deconstructing actions into their series of underlying Moose objects and variables.
- EigenProblem
- FEProblem
- AddScalarKernelAction
- CoupledODETimeDerivative
- NodalEqualValueConstraint
- ODETimeDerivative
- ParsedODEKernelParsed ODE function kernel.
- AddTransferAction
- MultiAppCopyTransferCopies variables (nonlinear and auxiliary) between multiapps that have identical meshes.
- MultiAppInterpolationTransferTransfers the value to the target domain from the nearest node in the source domain.
- MultiAppMeshFunctionTransfer
- MultiAppNearestNodeTransfer
- MultiAppPostprocessorInterpolationTransfer
- MultiAppPostprocessorToAuxScalarTransfer
- MultiAppPostprocessorTransfer
- MultiAppProjectionTransfer
- MultiAppScalarToAuxScalarTransfer
- MultiAppUserObjectTransfer
- MultiAppVariableValueSamplePostprocessorTransfer
- MultiAppVariableValueSampleTransfer
- MultiAppVectorPostprocessorTransferThis transfer distributes the N values of a VectorPostprocessor to Postprocessors located in N sub-apps or collects Postprocessor values from N sub-apps into a VectorPostprocessor
- AddUserObjectAction
- ElementIntegralVariableUserObject
- ElementQualityCheckerClass to check the quality of each element using different metrics from libmesh.
- GeometrySphereSnap nodes to the surface of a sphere on adaptivity
- LayeredAverage
- LayeredIntegral
- LayeredSideAverage
- LayeredSideFluxAverage
- LayeredSideIntegral
- NearestPointLayeredAverage
- NodalNormalsCorner
- NodalNormalsEvaluator
- NodalNormalsPreprocessor
- PerflogDumperDumps perlog information to a csv file for further analysis.
- SolutionUserObjectReads a variable from a mesh in one simulation to another
- Terminator
- VerifyElementUniqueID
- VerifyNodalUniqueID
- AddVectorPostprocessorAction
- CSVReaderConverts columns of a CSV file into vectors of a VectorPostprocessor.
- ConstantVectorPostprocessor
- Eigenvalues
- ElementValueSamplerSamples values of elemental variable(s).
- ElementVariablesDifferenceMax
- ElementsAlongLine
- ElementsAlongPlane
- HistogramVectorPostprocessorCompute a histogram for each column of a VectorPostprocessor
- IntersectionPointsAlongLine
- LeastSquaresFitPerforms a polynomial least squares fit on the data contained in another VectorPostprocessor
- LeastSquaresFitHistoryPerforms a polynomial least squares fit on the data contained in another VectorPostprocessor and stores the full time history of the coefficients
- LineFunctionSampler
- LineMaterialRealSampler
- LineValueSampler
- MaterialVectorPostprocessor
- NodalValueSamplerSamples values of nodal variable(s).
- PointValueSampler
- SideValueSampler
- SphericalAverage
- StatisticsVectorPostprocessorCompute statistical values of a given VectorPostprocessor. The statistics are computed for each column.
- VectorOfPostprocessorsOutputs the values of an arbitrary user-specified set of postprocessors as a vector in the order specified by the user
- VolumeHistogram
- WorkBalanceComputes several metrics for workload balance per processor